Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
+251 90 582 8282

We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Our commitment is to bring you the ultimate coffee experience, one that is responsibly produced from seed to cup. This is not merely an ideology but our everyday practice. It was on May 2019 AKKOO coffee’s founders Dawit Hailu and his wife Wudassie Enquberhan opened their first coffee shop down the street from Churchill road. Upon its opening, Akkoo was welcomed with encouraging responses from the community. It quickly became the meeting place for coffee lovers ranging from university students to retirees. Besides our fine coffee, customers also enjoy our baked goods as well as our healthy and delicious meals. Many also admire the design and overall atmosphere of the place. 

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The main approach of the AKKOO Coffee’s design is to communicate two concepts to the customer: ‘Home in Ethiopia’ and ‘straight from our farm to your cup.’ The first idea in our concept, ‘home in Ethiopia’, is represented by our elegant shop design: representing the birthplace and origins of original Ethiopian coffeehouse culture intended for areas with a more conservative and higher-income customer base. Our cooler and trendier design line ‘straight from our farm to your cup’, is intended for a younger, slightly more progressive crowd. This slogan also represents one of our core principles: to guarantee the highest quality at every step of our value chain through sustainable, trustworthy and respectful partnership with our farmers in the coffee-growing countries.